International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Assessing the Role and Importance of Co-curricular Activities in Special People (Deaf) Learning at Elementary Level.
Muhammad Badar Habib, Muhammad Asif Nadeem, Hassan Danial Aslam, Mukhtar Ahmad, Zahid Hussain

Nations in the world are recognizing importance of the education of special people. They are also considering them as important part of society as normal people are. Schools for special people are contributing to the national stream. World is considering the same standards and activities for the special people as it is considered for the normal people. Likewise, Co curricular activities and other recreational programs are also necessary for the growth of a healthy mind and body for special learners too. Present research identifies how individuals, having disabilities, can gain health benefits from regular physical activities. The special learners (deaf) in our society do need regular & special attention for their better growth. This research identifies existing sporting opportunities for disabled people in Pakistan and sporting needs of the disabled community. The methodology for this research employed a mixture of desk research, meetings and networking and four separate, but related semi-structured questionnaires that were distributed to disabled adults and children, leisure centers and mainstream clubs existing in the district of Bahawalpur in order to both assess the current levels of provision and the perceptions of disabled people regarding the current provision in District Bahawalpur. The main findings of the research highlight a great desire amongst both disabled adults and children to take part in more sport and physical activity, with lack of awareness of current provision being cited by both groups as the number one barrier for lack of participation. Overall there is a paucity of current provision in many areas, which can also vary greatly dependant upon impairment group. The quality and organizational level of much of the current provision and the resources available can also vary greatly with several groups totally dependant upon the dedication and hard work of one or two individuals to keep them running. Overall, this research highlights the fact that disabled people generally take part in far less sport and physical activity than their able-bodied counterparts for a whole host of reasons and that there is a great deal of work to be done within Bahawalpur region and overall Pakistan.

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