Sarah Eyaa, Pross Nagitta Oluka
Purpose – The paper aims at contributing to the debate on the causes of non – compliance with public procurement regulations in Uganda. Methodology – The hypotheses tested in this study were adopted from review of literature in a cross sectional study. Data was collected from 46 Central Government procuring and disposing entities using a structured questionnaire. Findings – The empirical findings indicate that of the three variables which are professionalism, familiarity with procurement regulations and institutional factors, only one variable, familiarity is a significant predictor of compliance. The model explains 52.4% of the variation in compliance with regulations. Research limitations – The study is limited by factors like the study being cross – sectional in nature and considered Central Government Entities and left out the Local Government Entities, which are also public. Future studies should consider being longitudinal in nature as well as extending to the Local Government Entities. Practical implications – The managerial implication of the findings of this study is that for compliance with public procurement regulations to be improved, focus needs to be placed on improving familiarity with procurement procedures amongst procurement personnel and staff employed in the public entities. Originality – Despite the fact that studies have been undertaken elsewhere to explain non – compliance with public procurement regulations, limited research has been carried out in Uganda. This paper therefore makes it contribution by providing information that is relevant for filling this gap that exists. The findings provide implications for procurement policy makers, the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Assets Authority and researchers.
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