International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Evaluation of Higher Education: The Importance of Sinaes in Public Policies of Evaluations
Arcângelo dos Santos Safanelli, Dalton Francisco de Andrade, Viviane Regina da Silva, Rafael Tezza, Luiz Salgado Klaes

This article aims to present the importance of educational evaluation in the context of the country’s public policies. With regard to its development, the qualitative method was searched, the component of an exploratory research, being a basic research. It is hoped that through this literature review, educational institutions are aware of the importance of educational evaluation, as they can develop relevant measures in their respective higher institutions. The concept of evaluation that was constituted in the studies and reflections of the Special Evaluation Commission (SEC), had as main ideals the integration and the participation, since it is understood that they are fundamental concepts for the construction of an evaluation system capable of deepening the commitments and social responsibilities of institutions, as well as promoting democratic values, respect for diversity, the pursuit of autonomy and the affirmation of identity.

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