International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Islamic Work Ethics is the Basis of Human Management
Nurhidayah Marzuki@Yahaya, Mohamad Nizam Yusof, Saiful Azizi Ismail, Mohd Rizal Abu Bakar

This paper intends to discuss Islamic work ethics applied in human management. Islamic work ethics is defined as a working culture that is implemented based on moral principles and in accordance with the demands of the syariat and Islamic teachings. Islamic work ethics and management are closely related because this work ethic is important when controlling the behaviour of members of an organisation. However, this work ethic has yet to be implemented by every member of an institution because there still exist a negative phenomenon among members of the institution who transgress work ethics. Due to this predicament, there is a need for an idea related to work ethics with a hope of overcoming negative practices frequently perpetrated by members of an institution. Several questions arise in relation to this predicament. What does ethical human behaviour mean? Which work ethic approach should be emphasised when forming human behaviour? Is this work ethic suitable when managing humans? This working paper intends to answer these questions. The theoretical approach through content analysis are used to examine Islamic work ethics and human management. Lastly, this working paper hopes to show that implementing Islamic work ethics in institutions is the best method for managing humans.

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