The Service-Learning Experience in a Capstone Marketing Course: An Empirical Investigation
Jennifer Barr & Michael Busler
Service-learning is an important pedagogical technique that fosters academic and life skill development. Yet little
empirical work has been undertaken to assess the outcomes that accrue to undergraduate marketing students. An
empirical investigation of the impact of service-learning on students’ intellectual and personal development in
Strategic Marketing was undertaken. The same questionnaire was administered to students using a pre- and posttest
design. Utilizing a seven-point Likert scale, students were questioned about their intentions and attitudes
toward volunteer work and involvement with their community. A paired t-test was employed to analyze the results,
and it was found that there was a significant increase in respondent intention to volunteer and become involved
with their community. Moreover, significant increases in social responsibility and their confidence level with
problem solving and conflict resolution were also found. The findings were a direct result of the experiential
learning component integrated into the capstone marketing course.
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