International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Social Constructivism and Technology
Branislav Djordjevic, Ph.D.; Dr Omer Spirtovic; Dr Danilo Acimovic

The ”work outwards” approaches adopt a “Social constructivism” position in relation to the definition of technology. That is, as we noted in the Introduction, what technology is and what it can do are seen entirely as a “cultural product. In order to understand “te- chnology” we have to “open the black box” and “get inside” to follow actors as they engage in the making of “technology.” (Latour 1987:13). The social constructivist perspective is meant, therefore, as a strong antidote to technological determinism, one that is claimed to be a far more effective analytical “care all” than has been applied by the perspectives considered in earlier chapters. However, as we will see in the chapter, the effectiveness of constructivism in ridding analysis of technology of determinist tendencies is matter of considerable internal debate amongst the various strands which constitute this approach. Some constructivist “care-alls”, it turns out, claim greater efficacy than others.

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