A Study to Determine the Tourist Profile Demanding Vineyard and Garden Tourism in Niğde And its Dıstrict
Ruhan İRİ, Lecturer; Burcu Gülsevil BELBER, Asist Prof..Dr.
Vineyard and garden tourism finds a place to itself among alternative tourism kinds as being a new concept in
Turkey and all over the world. As there are some non-professional investors to this kind of tourism in Turkey, the
need of the tourists demanding this tourism type is not only the vineyard and garden houses. In order to make
them satisfied and welcome themback, it is important to determine what else they need and it is important to
identify the tourist profile. Thence this study has been made to identify the tourist profile coming to Niğde in order
to attend vineyard and garden tourism in Niğde and its district. In this context, this tourism type would be able to
improve as the organizations and corporation soperating in Niğde district implement the investments and other
marketing activities to wards vineyard and garden tourism in accordance with the perception, desire and needs of
the touristic consumers. In this study, “face to face questionnaire” method has been applied. The questionnaires
have been applied to the domestic tourists who came to Ulukışla, Çamardı, Bahçeli-Kemerhisar and Bor where
there is vineyard and garden tourism potential between May the 1th and August the 31th 2014.“The identification
research model” has been utilised in order to identify the tourist profile aiming to participate in vineyard and
garden tourism in Niğde and its district. In the analys is stage, frequence distribution, crosstabs tables and qisquare
analysis have been utilised. Study; is composed of eco-tourism and vineyard-garden tourism, vine yardgarden
tourism in Niğde and its district, findings of the research, results and suggestions. In this study; it has
been identified that the tourists coming to the district for the purpose of vineyard and garden tourism were mostly
35 years old or elder and it has been identified that there has been a significant relation between the the ages of
the tourists and the arrangements of their trip, between their monthly salaries and the accommodation they have
chosen, between their ages and the counties they have chosen for vineyard and garden tourism, between their
monthly in comes and the counties they prefered for vineyard and garden tourism in Niğde and its district.
Moreover it has been realised that the tourists prefer the district much because of the buddy-relative-friend
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