International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

E-Commerce: An Overview of Adoption and Its Effective Implementation
Maureen Semu Kabugumila, Simon Lushakuzi, Ph.D.; Jacqueline E. Mtui

Electronic commerce is a concept that is gaining acceptance in businesses, like other papers related to ecommerce this paper objective was to shed light on e-commerce adoption, trend and issues that are facilitating and hindering its effectiveness through comprehensive reviewing of literatures in the related area. It is observed that there has been a growing trend of e-commerce adoption globally even to the least developing countries, which is motivated by e-commerce adoption benefits by businesses such as expansion of business opportunities, businesses enjoying being cost effectiveness with widened coverage and increased customers services. There are challenges highlighted for effective e-commerce adoption and implementation such as poor e-commerce supporting infrastructures for instance reliable Internet connections, poor transport and logistics system also presence of socio regulatory barriers. Moreover it was recommended for better improvement of e-commerce affordable and reliable Internet facilities is vital for instance the intensity, the cost for accessing Internet, also reasonable level of e-readiness to all levels of business is important to its effectiveness, formulation of Government policies that catalyze improvement of e-commerce effectiveness is similarly vital.

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