International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Evaluation of the Professional Insertion Policy in Algeria, The device Help with DAIP Professional Insertion / CID (Graduates Inserting Contract) Exploratory Study Case of Tlemcen-Algeria

Evaluation of the professional insertion policy in Algeria, The device Help with DAIP Professional Insertion / CID (Graduates Inserting Contract) -Exploratory study case of Tlemcen. The restructuration of employment in Algeria is accompanied by a reinforcement of devices; from which some affect young people with a higher education. The topic of employability and the devices put in place by the Algerian government has already been dealt with by numerous reports and studies. However, the lack of research about the helping device for Professional Insertion (category of professional insertion Contract CID) was observed. Therefore, we decided to conduct a study about it through this work. In this context, our work aims on one hand to have better knowledge about the situation of higher educated graduates; on the labor market and the problems they face, through a questionnaire, which allowed us, on the other hand, to evaluate the device (DAIP).

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