The Effect of the Campaigns of GSM Operators on University Students’ Operator Choice
Assist. Prof. Dr. Yakup Durmaz, Assist. Prof. Dr. Murat Karahan, Lecturer Erkan Alsu
The most important factor that affects the buying situation of the customer is the cost of the services or goods. In case that the other factors are stable, that good is bought more when the prices of goods and service decrease. Today when we feel global competition in all sectors, other factors different than price affect the buying situation of the customers. The aim of this study is to detect how university students decide to buy when the other factors are taken into consideration. The study is carried out with the university students living in Gaziantep. For this study, 384 individual are selected. This selection is done randomly. A questionnaire is carried out with the students who are selected without looking at age, sex, department, hometown, budget or class. In this questionnaire scope, variables like SMS, Internet, calls to everywhere, calls in groups, social responsibility projects and device campaigns are chosen. At the end of the study, that the university students pay attention to free minutes, free minutes for every operator and internet quota that are granted while preferring operator is detected. It depends on the factors of age, sex and budget.
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