International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Dimensions of Political System
Tasneem Sikander

All the states whether developed or developing are political states and they are not just states viewed as territory but a political system. It has two components, structures and functions. Structure ensures political efficacy and development whereas functions show realization of demands. Political system is activated by huge number of demands and converts these inputs into outputs which are decisions and authoritative policies. There should be balance between input and output structures. The functioning of the political system may be viewed on system level, the process level and the policy level. The stability of the system depends on the balance among these three levels. In every political system, there exist five capabilities i.e. extractive, regulative, distributive, responsive and symbolic. These capabilities depend on the structural functional specialization. If the goal of development is to be achieved, system should be responsive, integrative, adaptive and innovative.

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