E-Commerce Usage in Hotel Industries Capabilities
A. H. Mutia Sobihah, Ahmad Munir B. Mohd Salleh @ Embat, W. Abd Aziz B. W. Mohd Amin
E-commerce also known as the process of buying, selling, transferring or exchanging products, services and
information via computer networks, including the internet. This study aims to determine the E-commerce usage in
Malaysia hotel industries capabilities. Hotel industries are one of those which are fully beneficial from the Ecommerce.
E-commerce service may fulfill the customer needs more easily and quickly without any time
constraints. This research founds that there is a correlation between organizational capabilities with E-commerce
usage dimensions (E-commerce technology resources, E-commerce management skills, E-commerce business
network, E-commerce competency and E-commerce information network). The stepwise regression exhibited that
E-commerce management skills is the most dominant predictor of organization capabilities. Practically, this
research provides leaders organization in hotel industries with useful advice on E-commerce investment decision
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