Key Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in Medium-Sized Enterprises in Transition Economies
Narasimha Rao Vajjhala, JelenaVucetic
Most of the studies carried out on identification of barriers to knowledge sharing have focused on developing and
developed countries. The purpose of this study was to explore the barrier factors inhibiting knowledge sharing in
small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in transition economies that have different social, cultural, and
economic conditions as compared to other developing and developed countries. A survey was conducted among
118 respondents working in 20 medium-sized enterprises representing the major sectors of economic activity in
Albania, which was the last country in Europe to join the list of transition economies at the beginning of 1990s.
This study identified the major barriers to knowledge sharing in SMEs in Albania, namely, cultural issues,
motivational issues, lack of human resources, lack of technological resources, and lack of benefits. The
identification of barrier factors would assist SMEs in transition economies in designing knowledge sharing
activities and ensuring that these barrier factors are addressed in future knowledge management programs. This
study is limited by the complexity involved in identification of factors constituting national cultural profiles
because each country is likely to have a unique national cultural fingerprint. SMEs form a significant portion of
economic activity in Albania. This study is one of the few studies carried out in Albania. This study will also help
SMEs in other transition economies in Europe, particularly in the Balkans and Eastern Europe which have
similar cultural and social conditions. The findings of this study will help SMEs to identify shortcomings and
problems in existing knowledge sharing and management activities and also identify mechanisms to address these
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