International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Classroom Authority: Theory, Research, and Practice
Xuelian Lei

This book states all through clearly that classroom authority delivers to teachers both fundamental and pressing issues at all levels of schooling, including fundamental issues considerations as to what it means to be an authoritative teacher, and the pressing issues on consideration of how to enact one’s authority as a teacher in specific settings. The book, viewed as an attempt to combine these two avenues of consideration, is striking with insight and advice as an example of research. Teacher authority in this specific case, can be regarded as relating to both the applied problem of teachers creating and maintaining authority in their classrooms and the fundamental problem of defining the core of teacher authority. Taking the book as combining these elements, the essays in it are of equal importance for both teachers and educational researchers; however, if the book resists this reading of it and emphasize that its scope includes only applied research, it will gradually lose its usefulness. So I review the book in the following focusing on the topic of teacher research.

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