Characteristics of Armenian Folk Tales
Ani Derderian
This study analyzes three Armenian folk tales from Apples of Immortality. These tales are organized by type: myths and legends, animal tales, fairy tales, and stories of everyday life. Yet, these important cultural works remain largely understudied. To address this gap, this study analyzes three popular Armenian folk tales to reveal cultural norms and values. Many of the stories are short and humorous, making them perfect for story time; these stories are supplemented by background information on the Armenian people and their culture, including a brief history and, discussion of folk traditions and food recipes, music, religion, etc. These folk tales are a great resource for educators, students, folklorists, and anyone interested in Armenian culture. This study examines the norms and values addressed in folk tales, which are important factors that give continuity to certain cultures (Stephens, 1992). In this study I considered the following questions:
1. How do the chosen tales from Apples of Immortality represent the Armenian culture and the characteristics of Armenian tales specifically those originating in Western Armenia?
2. What is the hidden message within each tale that relate to cultural values?
My experience as an insider has helped me to represent the culture. In my research I chose three tales: Apples of Immortality, The Woodcutter and Faithful Wife. I searched for the following topics within these tales: Culturally specific symbols, metaphors, the characterization in the Armenian folk tales, the beginning and the ending formulas, setting, music, arts and food, the hidden message, and religion.
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