International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Foster Children: A Hidden Group
Teresa Murray Reynolds, Ed.D

This essay discusses a student subgroup hidden within school data. Schools are not always apprised of information regarding students in their population. While subgroups are identified through the current federal legislation, this smaller subgroup within those identified by that legislation cannot be separated out due to issues of confidentiality. Numbers per school may be small;but these children have an impact on student achievement scores. Schools may be unconsciously overlooking the needs of foster children because they do not know them as students with special needs. Foster children havespecial needs; most are not academic but impact academic process. They have been identified as one of the most at-risk populations in the United States and the very laws that are implemented to protect them may actually be raising barriers to the action research and planning process schools use to identify and serve students. Confidentiality issues create barriers for inquiry and identification. This essay offers practical solutions and strategies for administrators and other school personnel involved in instructional planning, data analysis and school improvement. A resiliency model is suggested as a part of creating a balance between the affective and cognitive domains of learning for these students.

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