International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

A Matter of Trust: A Social Exchange Perspective on the Effect of High-Performance Work Systems on Buxiban English Teachers
I-Ju Hsieh, Yuan-Ling Chen

Based on the social exchange theory, this study explores the relations between high-performance work systems (HPWS) and three employees' positive outcomes: strength use, job satisfaction, and job performance. This study collected 139 valid responses through Google online forms, and a quantitative approach was employed to analyze the data. Survey participants come from ten different countries, and slightly more than half of the respondents are Taiwanese. After analyzing 139 valid responses, the results reveal no direct effects of HPWS on strength use and job performance, respectively, but there is a positive association of HPWS with job satisfaction. When trust plays an underlying mechanism, HPWS is positively related to strength use, job satisfaction, and job performance, respectively. The study provides insight for English Buxiban owners, supervisors, and teachers to delve into high-performance work practices and inform that trust matters.

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