From the Antecedents to the Purchase of Environmentally Friendly Products
Sinove MARDE
This research aims to provide a model that connects the antecedents of environmentally friendly consumption to two concrete variables that can be used as levers of action for companies, namely, the intention to purchase and the purchase. The antecedents are grouped into the following three constructs: “barriers to purchase”; “relations with the product” and “propensity to act” to protect the environment. A structural equation model is used to test whether the antecedents can predict the two action variables. The results show that the chosen antecedents are predictive indicators, but their degree of influence on the two endogenous variables differs. “Barriers to purchase” have a strong negative influence on intention and purchase, unlike "relations with the product", which positively but moderately influences intention and purchase. The "propensity to act" construct has a stronger influence on the intention to purchase than on the purchase.
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