International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses in the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Oil and Gas Contracts: A Comparative Study
Mohsin Shareef Salih, Dr. Akram Yamulki

Oil and gas contracts are long-term agreements that cover long periods. In such contracts, circumstances may change with time, especially in developing countries. To protect from future unforeseen circumstances which are beyond the control of contracting parties, they insert force majeure and hardship clauses in their contracts. This article aims to evaluate and analyse force majeure and hardship clauses in oil and gas contracts. It focuses on the Kurdistan Regional Government’s production sharing contracts and provides a comparison with some countries’ oil and gas contracts. The research method is adopted in this article includes the comparative analysis method. The research is conducted through an extensive study of the relevant literature.

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