Gender and Feminine Autonomy in Brazil’s Bolsa Família Program
Silvana Mariano
This study analyzes the empowering conditions of women assisted by Brazil’s Bolsa Família. Our investigation
develops two comparisons. Firstly, we compare the benefited women’s social situation from the large-scale cities with
the ones in small-scale cities, in Brazil. We also compare the women beneficiaries from the Bolsa Família Program
with the non-beneficiary ones. We see a crystallization mechanism of gender’s role in society that make the women
beneficiaries maintain some tasks considered feminine responsibilities, such as the dedication to the care of others and
the dependence on the government’s aid. The access of these women to the income transference has provided some
benefits in terms of empowering their decisions related to the consumption of basic goods. However, this change
process doesn’t reflect on the alteration of the traditional gender’s patterns and it even occurs with the reinforcement
of these same patterns.
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