International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Trade Barriers and Facilitations among SAARC Economies
Hassan Mobeen Alam, Fatima Amin, Ayesha Farooqui, Muhammad Akram

Intra-SAARC trade is carried on small scale when is compared to regional blocks of the rest of the world. The reasons of low trade magnitude are socio-economic hurdles in trade. The study attempts to make a conventional search of the barriers and facilitations to trade among SAARC states. It gives an idea about the structure of trade among SAARC economies, which help to annotate that why there is low intra-SAARC trade and how to maximize it. Agreements among SAARC were analyzed to elaborate the trade conflicts and measures, like the major agreements SAPTA and SAFTA. Literature assists us to analyze the impacts of SAPTA on trade promotion and diversion.WTO regulations and governmental policies are also trying to improve trade among SAARC nations.

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