International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

How Social Exchange affects Employees’ Thriving at Work
ZHANG Rui-gao

Thriving at work was fit for employees as a subjective measure to gauge whether they were on a positive developmental path. This study focus on how social exchange influence employees’ thriving at work based on the socially embedded model that contextual factors enhance thriving at work, and introduces Leader-member exchange and Perceived Organizational Support, which are the main factors of social exchange, to build the model that Leader-member exchange influenced employees' thriving at work through the multiple mediating role of perceived organizational support in Chinese context to further analysis of the mechanism how social exchange impact on Employees’ Thriving at Work. Through the data of 380 employees, the structural equation model was established, and the data were tested by AMOS. The results shows that Leader-member exchange has a significant positive impact on employees’ thriving at work, and the mediating effect of perceived organizational support further strengthens this effect, which confirmed that social exchange has a significant positive impact on employees’ thriving at work and provide an empirical support to the socially embedded model indirectly.

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