A Construct Validity Assessment of Two Emotional Intelligence Measures for College of Business Administration Programs
Barbara Burgess-Wilkerson, Steven A. Frankforter, Anna C. Lampe
Emotional intelligence (EI) is increasingly becoming a concern on college campuses across the country and
globally. Employers increasingly express concern about a lack of EI among young business professionals. As
such instruments to assess EI are key to developing programs and interventions to meet these needs. The
Wilkerson Emotional Intelligence Test for Academics and Careers (WEITAC) is a newly created self-report
measure of emotionally and socially competent behavior and attitudes as an estimate of one’s social and
emotional intelligence. This study was done to see if the WEITAC inventory is as reliable as the existing TTI
Emotional Quotient. The study showed that both are proven to have construct validity. The study proved the
WEITAC to be a valid and reliable tool to allow college students to participate in a process of understanding and
managing emotions in an academic setting and as part of a career readiness strategy.
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