Assessing the Quality of Academic Marketing Research Submitted For Publication in the Arab Refereed Journals: A Knowledge Theory –Based Approach
Prof. Naji Mualla
This study is the second part of a research project which aimed at exploring the current situation of the academic
marketing research submitted for publication in Arab Refereed Journals and diagnosing the relevant problems.
The focus of the first part was to explore and assess the role of the peer-review as a mechanism of quality control
of the academic marketing research and to diagnose any possible relevant problems. The major outcome of that
part was a proposed standardized list of evaluative criteria. The second part (the current study) is an extended
work, which aims to assess the quality of the Academic marketing research submitted for publication in the Arab
refereed Journals by using the proposed list of evaluative criteria. For the purpose of this study, the list was
attached to a 5-points scale and been integrated into a self-instructed questionnaire and sent to all staff members
of the Marketing and Business Administration department’s at all Arab universities, which are active members of
the Association of Arab universities (AARU) through e-mail. A total of three hundred and five (305) of the
returned questionnaires have been considered for the purpose of the data analysis. The findings of the study
indicated that the quality of academic marketing research was in general acceptable and it was found to be
influenced by some reviewer’s related factors.
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