Market Regulation Preferences: Investor Influence? Regulation Preference Paradigms of Financial Markets in the 21st century
Derek Hart
The emergence of a powerful financial sector in recent years has been both a blessing and a curse in the eyes of
many Americans. The analysis in this essay provides key insight into the relationship between preferences on
market regulation and the financial markets, specifically following a time of turmoil. Furthermore, it analyzes the
nature of citizen’s regulation preferences to determine if they are cyclical in nature, or if increased regulation is
an upward trend here to stay. Within the analysis, this paper also addresses the different preferences between
those who are and are not involved in the stock market and what these presences reveal. Understanding these
relationships is critical to understanding the future of policymaking and what is in store for the financial sector.
This research utilizes the American National Election Studies data over a number of years in order to detect
trends in preferences, and reveal substantial insight into the citizen’s view on the U.S. financial sector
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