International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Is Past Performance an Accurate Indicator of Future Performance in Evaluating Candidates’ Success in a Future Job? A Conceptual Analysis
Chalette Renee Griffin

Structured behavioral interviews have gained popularity among human resource professionals based on the simplicity of rating candidates’ future job performance. Despite the inconsistent study of empirical research on structured behavioral interviews, human resource professionals continue to use them with an assumed premise that past job performance is an indicator of future job performance. The article aims to analyze the empirically supported theory of past job performance and to explore why this premise is not considered the best indicator to measure candidates’ future performance. Through the process of developing a conceptual framework, the article also aims to illustrate how extenuating factors and conditions impede candidates’ abilities to repeat the same performance in a future job. Overall, the article attempts to show that further research is needed to consider alternative interview methods in evaluating candidates in a future job without using past performance as a predictor of success.

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