International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

The Impact of Administrative Empowerment on Creativity Improvement among the Workers of Jordanian Public Administration Institute
Dr. Nassem M Aburuman

The study aimed to recognize the impact of the administrative empowerment on creativity improvement within the public administration institute. The study population was constituted of all the institute workers with total count of 96; 90 questionnaire forms were distributed, and 82 valid forms of them were retrieved back, with retrieval ration of 91%. The study has found that there is an impact with statistical significance at level (α≤0.05) of the empowerment dimensions (authority delegation, employee training, effective communication, and employee stimulation) on creativity improvement among the workers of the Jordanian institute of public administration. It has also found that there are no variances with statistical significance at sig. level (α≤0.05) between the workers' tendencies toward creativity improvement, which can be attributed to the functional variables (service term and job title).The study has recommended applying modern administrational concepts such as participation enabling principle, workgroups and teamwork forming and administrational decision-making , also preparing work environment in a way that would support empowerment through adopting cooperation and coordination between administrations , divisions , groups and individuals , and working on enabling decentralization , power delegation and subordinates' participation in decision making , and finally working on putting an effective system of financial and incorporeal incentives for the employees.

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