International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

End Poverty with True Management
Musa Şanal, Leila Zare

This paper focus on the impact of the high and true management on poverty reduction in the world. Poverty is the world’s current greatest threat to peace and stability more than terrorism and other highly publicized struggles (Sachs, J.D., 2009). The Penguin press poverty is the deprivation of one’s ability to live as a free and dignified human being with the full potential to achieve one’s desired goals in life (United Nation, 2010). This article assesses that, poverty is a multi-dimensional problem with many faces. A research shows that, countries with accurate and outstanding management overcome poverty and create a country without hunger. This paper uses to investigate poverty reduction in each part of the world, with a particular focus on high management through the role of family management, natural resources management, managing job opportunities with predicting population growth and technological improvements in the agriculture sector.

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