International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Healthcare Industry in Saudi Arabia: Demographics Effect on Job Satisfaction and Retention
Dr. Musrrat Parveen

This research study examined variations in job satisfaction and retention of health care settings within the multi – ethnic setting of Asian nation. Multivariate Analysis of variance was used to confirm the result of variety of demographic variables (gender, age, ethnic group, marital, nationality, language and cultural barrier and spouse/family members staying in Saudi Arabia). Overall, the findings recommended that some demographic variables have vital effects on some dimensions concerned in job satisfaction (Personal growth, Salary package and professional support) and on overall retention. Job satisfaction and retention are having the foremost effects on gender, ethnic group, nationality, language barrier, cultural barrier, and spouse/family members staying and on the contrary age and marital status having the minimum effects. As shown in Table 5 Multivariate analysis test confirms and indicates that job satisfaction and retention incorporates a robust and positive vital relationship between them. Objectives: The research objectives are two – fold: (1) to investigate the determinants of Job Satisfaction and Job Retention for OHP and RN working in Jeddah region and (2) and also to recognize the variances in the overall job satisfaction and job retention according to selected demographic individualities; Gender, Age, Nationality, Language barrier, cultural barrier, spouse staying in Saudi Arabia for example

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