International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Perspectives of Financial Stability as an Implicit Economic Policy Goal
Paweł Błaszczyk, Sławomir Zwierzchlewski

The main aim of this article is to answer a question whether financial stability belongs to the domain of the public good and in what way it should be provided by the state, especially in the face of a financial crisis. A financial crisis has once again become a stimulus to starting a discussion concerning the challenges that financial stability has to face as a goal of the economic policy. Above all, a question appears whether the significance of this aim should go up in the hierarchy of the economic policy, especially by specifying it more explicitly. The abovepresented aim determines the layout of the article, which consists of two fundamental parts. Part one (section 2) presents the conception of financial stability and verifies the thesis that financial stability serves as a public good. Furthermore, the authors point out to the consequences of that thesis, especially with reference to the economic policy goals. Part two (section 3) offers a discussion on the methods, instruments and mechanisms of providing financial stability by public institutions.

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