International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

India and China: Regional Competitors towards a Cooperative Relationship
Waheeda Rana

The paper analyzes that after decades of bitter relations, both China and India now see each other as an opportunity rather than a threat. It has been observed that mutual suspicion remains on a variety of geostrategic and security issues, making both wary of each other’s economic and military growth. However, driven by the changing international trends, India and China recognized the need to cooperate in the long-term interest of global and regional peace and stability as well as for their own economic prosperity. Methodology used in this paper is descriptive and analytical, as to describe the developments and then analyze in the context of reasoning. It is concluded that driven by converging interests in significant areas, the two countries are surely to avoid direct and open conflict. Thus, the foundation of process of rapprochement is laid down and convergence of interests would outweigh their differences.

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