International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Bottom of the Pyramid Market’s Consumer Behavior with Regards to Branded Personal Care Products in Karachi: A Quantitative Study
Dr. Zeenat Ismail, Muhammad Sadiq Baloch

This study explores the consumer behavior of the bottom of the pyramid market with respect to branded personal care products via shopping and brand preference, personalized relationship and word of mouth. The main hypothesis are based on BOP consumer’s shopping behavior, brand selection and personalized affiliation, which conjectures BOP consumers to be aspiring, positively responsive to word of mouth and personal selling. Conversely, the statistical tests and results contradict the global viewpoint on BOP consumers and show a high level of unacceptability to purchase branded personal care products through personal selling or positive word of mouth. However, they prove their aspirational trait by actually buying the branded personal care products which they prefer to buy. The research also contains insinuation of the key findings and recommendations for further research.

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