International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

A Practical Methodology to Plan Automation of E-Services in Public Agencies
Nelly Rigaud-Téllez

Implementation of transactional services in e-government is a very critical function for the development and success of a comprehensive e-government. Empirical efforts to conceptualize the organization, definition and delimitation to implement transactional services are often limited, to making public services available by means of online facilities on the internet, without taking into account government organization. This paper provides a practical methodology to guide professionals to realign customized procedures (according to the organization’s strategy)in order to automatize the delivery of services among public agencies. Such methodology is based on Systems approach, aiming to create a modular system. The methodology consists of four sequential phases, with positive results obtained through its application in a decentralized agency of the Ministry of Health in Mexico, to improve the management of their Human Resources. Results on improvements were manifested in time efficiency, and transparency of procedures.

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