Hedonic Price Analysis of Dressed Chicken in Ghana
Ramatu M. Al-Hassan, Noah Larvoe, Abigail A. Adaku
Ghanaian markets reveal differences between local and imported dressed chickens regarding quality attributes.
Based on the hypothesis that products have utility bearing attributes whose value partly determine their price, this
study identifies the attributes which influence price, consumer’s choice and consumption of local and imported
chicken in Ghana using a hedonic price regression model. Fifty consumers from Kumasi and time series data
from 2001 to 2010 were used to establish the preference between local and imported chicken and to analyze price
trends using a growth model. The findings indicate that consumers are willing to pay premiums for imported, non
fatty and tender attributes of chicken. Prices of local chicken are about 57 percent higher but the volume of
imported chicken has a faster growth rate. Bridging the price gap is anchored on higher and cost minimized
production as well as paying attention to differences in attributes between the two products.
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