International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

English Language Learners
Fawwz Alhasiany

The following analysis of the studies is focused on the theory of learning English as a second language, and the six phases of language acquisition. The first part of this research talks about how an individual’s native language, culture, and/or familial backgrounds interact with the individual’s ability to learn secondary languages, and to master that language to the point where the individual can communicate in that new language in an academic context. Furthermore, the second part of this research discusses seven strategies for teaching a second language: preview/review, vocabulary role-play, repeated reading, the use of technology, the use of an individual’s native language for support, the use of story and drama, and creating visual pictures to increase understanding. The third and final part of the research discusses the six stages of language acquisition and the amount of time per each developmental stage or phase of language acquisition.

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