International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Influence of Acyclic Sports on Figures of the Respiratory System of Young Athletes of 10-12 Years
Sabralieva T.M. PhD, Abdyrakhmanova D.O PhD

This work examines the impact of sports on functional indicators of respiratory system of children of school age of 10-12 years old engaged in acyclic types of sports activities. Research methods used: physiometry: lung capacity, breathing rate, respiratory minute volume, respiration depth, specific assay breath (timed expiratory capacity), mathematical and statistical methods. Average rates of lung capacity, breathing rate, respiratory minute volume, respiration depth, changes of these indicators of school children of 10-12 years old engaged in acyclic types of sports activities were defined. Respiratory samples revealed a significant increase in the functional reserve of the respiratory system.

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