Non-Technical Skills for Success in a Technical World
Janet L Bailey
The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that by 2018, the country will require nearly one million new information
technology workers and the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the need for nearly one and a half million by
2022 when considering new positions and retirements. Corporations need employees to fill these positions who
have the correct mix of technical, soft, and business skills. More than three hundred industry professionals
participated in a study to identity the most important non-technical skills for success in technical jobs. The skills
highest ranked across all categories were problem solving, team work, listening, the ability adapt to new
technologies and languages, time management, the ability to transfer knowledge to application, multi-tasking,
verbal communication, visualize and conceptualize, “be the customer” mentality, interpersonal skills, understand
business culture, inter-team communication, and give and receive constructive criticism.
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