The Understanding of Filipino Christian on the Doctrine of the Trinity and Incarnation
Dr. Mohammad Nashief S. Disomimba
This paper utilizes a content study to clarify the understanding of Filipino Christian on the doctrine of Trinity and
incarnation, and it will clarify the Origin of Trinity, God one in three person, the three persons but same essence
or nature, the relationship between God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the essence of the Father is in the
Son and Holy Spirit, God is not splitting into three parts, the divine persons do not exist side by side in the divine
world, the Trinity no one is greater, less, separate nor subordinate one to the other, Jesus could not separate from
the Father and Holy Spirit, Jesus as God the creator and it will explains how Jesus Christ became a man based
on Filipino Christian understanding on this matter. The tendency of giving priority to discuss the understanding
of Filipino Christians on the doctrine of the Trinity and incarnation is to clarify and trace the hidden and explore
the reality of Trinity. To address this limitation, an analytical study is conceived to foreground the understanding
of the Filipino Christian theologians on the doctrine of trinity and incarnation, as official religion by the
government and Christian majority. The objectives of this study is to identify and trace the development of trinity,
to understand and categorize of its reality, to summarize and synthesize the views of the Christian theologian, and
to forward analytical framework of the doctrine of the trinity and incarnation. Discourse
Analysis will use in this study in order to identify the elements of the trinity, contextualizing andexamining the fact
ors that shaped trinity and incarnation, synthesizing and understanding/confirming/clarifying the reality of the
trinity from the others, summarizing the views of the others, quoting/citing the statements of Christian
theologians. At the end, the study singles out that the understanding of the Filipino Christians on the trinity and
incarnation no dichotomy to disconnect its teaching to each other and no contradictory between them. The
differences only rely upon to its expressions, explanation and terminologies utilized for the sake of understanding,
confirming and clarifying.
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