International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Alcoholism in Africa during the Late Twentieth Century: A Socio-Cultural Perspective
Dr. Theresa I. Myadze, Apollo Rwomire

As modern breweries began to expand in Africa during the late twentieth century, alcoholism became an increasing cause for concern. Drinking patterns shifted away from traditional norms as relaxed government policies seemed to sanction indiscriminant selling and access to alcohol. Alcohol dependence and problem drinking became increasing concerns as related social problems became more pronounced. Winick’s theory of drug/alcohol dependence is used as a framework for illuminating the problematic use of alcohol in Africa during the late twentieth century. Key factors include access to dependence producing substances; disengagement from negative proscriptions about their use; and role strain and/or role deprivation. Measures for addressing these issues are discussed along with future strategies for tackling the continuing problem of alcoholism in Africa.

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