International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

The Importance of the Role that Turkish Ethnic Media Played in the Formation Process of Turkish Diaspora in America
M. Murat Yesil

Turkish migration movement to the United States started early 1890’s. The total Turkish population in the US is estimated to be 300 - 400 thousand. Turks who dispersed in the vast geography of America couldn’t be able to form an organized community because of geographical distances for many years. In addition to this, Turkish immigrants like the other immigrant communities living in America had to face different kinds of difficulties and lived some painful experiences, too. They had to bear othering efforts of established communities of America. Turkish community has overcome these difficulties through the help of ethnic media. Turkish people living in the United States, with the support of media, managed to form Turkish diaspora. The main purpose of this study was to find out the importance of the role of Turkish ethnic media played in the construction process of Turkish diaspora in America and make an assessment by reviewing all phases of this process.

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