International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Mobilising Domestic Revenue through Toll Gate Systems in Zimbabwe
Zhou Gideon, Chilunjika Alouis

There is a global shift to tolling systems as alternative means of mobilising domestic revenue for the development and maintenance of the road infrastructure. With most developing economies at various levels of fiscal fragility, the tolling route has the potential to reduce fiscal stress. This study examines the effectiveness of toll gate systems in Zimbabwe as alternative avenues of mobilising domestic revenue. Effectiveness was assessed on the basis of institutional capacity, tolling yields, easiness to administer and comparative performance of toll gates vis-à-vis other revenue heads. Data was collated through questionnaires, interviews, toll site visits and desk research. Trend analyses of tolling revenue contributions in Zimbabwe were conducted and then compared with experiences in other countries through generic benchmarking. Research findings suggest that tolling systems, if prudently managed, provide a potentially self-financing model for the maintenance of road infrastructure in Zimbabwe. Since their enforcement in 2009, tolling revenues have overtaken traditionally leading sources of revenue such as fuel levy, transit fees and other tax heads. Notwithstanding this, ensuring match between increased revenue inflows and improved road development and maintenance remains a challenge. A shift from manual to E-tolling systems will not only enhance efficiency in revenue collection but also reduce delays and attendant costs arising from the congestions often experienced at tolling booths.

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