International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss

Development of Teachers-Psychologists’ Professional Competences in Conditions Of Polylingual Education
Zh.Z.Torybaeva, A.N.Zhorabekova, Toibekova B.A

Kazakhstan is a multinational polycultural state which education system is aimed at idea realization of citizens polylingual education today. In these conditions there is a necessity of development of future teachers-psychologists’ new competences who provide work possibility in polylingual educational environment and information area, independently to develop the positive pedagogical "I", to enter into intercultural communications with students, colleagues and parents, to reflex results of the pedagogical activity, etc. The analysis of theoretical sources and real practice has shown that the effective conditions providing quality of teacher-psychologist’ training are: system-holistic approach and integration of lingual, value-content, psychological-pedagogical, competence and polylingual professional training; monitoring of students educational route; working out of stimulation mechanism of students’ inquiries and needs for qualitative education; active application of innovative designed technologies in educational process. Among innovative educational forms and technologies used in high school pedagogical process, in our opinion, business games technology has the greatest importance. As they create a basis for natural display of future specialist’s professional competences. As the research results have shown, productive use of business games technology for formation of future teachers-psychologists’ professional competences is possible in case of revealing by high school teachers and use in game of professionally significant, personal qualities, necessary for student successful adaptation to conditions of conducting special kinds of games and to demands which future profession makes. As a whole, we can conclude that the developed technique of class organization on pedagogical cycle disciplines with use of gaming situations will allow more effectively to form teacher-psychologist’ professional competence by means of business game technologies, more successfully to adapt them for demands which modern conditions of professional work make to the future specialist.

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