International Journal of Business and Social Science

ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online) DOI: 10.30845/ijbss


Educational Research Contents and Objectives: An Empirical Study on the Schools of River Nile State –Sudan
Mustafa Shalala Mustafa Ahmed

The study assumes that the faculties of education in Sudan have given a firm emphasis only in the issue of teaching, ignoring completely the development of human resources in the environmental context and regional levels in which these College of Education are founded. These colleges have overlooked the establishment of research centers to develop the human resources in the state or the region .Most recent studies on education indicate the objective of such establishments as to increase the awareness of knowledge in many areas and then apply the appropriate solutions to help direct teacher education and professional development inside schools. To test the validity of this hypothesis the paper has followed the descriptive analysis and distributed a questionnaire to ten of headmasters in primary schools and ten of headmasters in secondary schools in the state of the River Nile. Data was derived from interviews and document analysis of some Arabic references about education research. The questionnaire focused on the extent to which the aforementioned headmaster's schools have benefited from these existing colleges of education in the state and of the University of the Nile Valley during the past five years. The research found that despite the primary aim of these research centers which is to keep pace with the development of staff and the development of education research, but unfortunately such academic bodies are still lacking in the region.


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