Vol. 5, No. 5(1); April 2014 Vol_5_No_5_1_April_2014 1. An Evaluation of Motivation in Nicaragua, Guatemala, Mexico, Costa Rica, Belize, Honduras and the United States Utilizing the Hackman and Oldham Model and the Possible Impact of Culture on the Results Rickey Casey, Kayla Casey Abstract This study of the Job Characteristics Model centers on companies in both manufacturing and service industries located in North and Central America. Results of United States companies are compared to those of non-US firms. Scores were calculated for each of the five dimensions of the model and the motivation potential score. For comparison purposes, scores for all companies studied were compared to those in the Hackman and Oldham database. It appears cross-cultural differences may help to explain the findings. 2. Ageing Workforce Knowledge Management and Transactional & Transformational Leadership: A Socio-technical Systems Framework and a Norwegian Case Study Chen, Susan P.; Redar J. Mykletun Abstract This study explores the relationship between leadership style and knowledge management in the context of a postmerger downsizing with an ageing workforce. We focused on the Statoil and Hydro merger in Norway. A sociotechnical systems approach was utilised, emphasising the interrelatedness of social and technological subsystems within organisations and those subsystems’ relationships to their environments. A qualitative approach was used to collect and analyse the data. The results support the existence of relationships between leadership style and post-merger knowledge management in the context of an ageing workforce. A positive link between transformational leadership and tacit knowledge transfer was found. Transformational leaders had a strong tendency to view and to act on knowledge management from a social perspective. A positive link was also found between transactional leadership and explicit knowledge transfer. Transactional leaders had a strong tendency to view and to act on knowledge management from a technical perspective. 3. The Level of Applying Competitive Intelligence as Perceived by Managers at Telecom Company "Zain" in Jordan Dr. Fatima Lahcen Yachou Ait Yassine Abstract This study aimed to identify the level of application of competitive intelligence, as well as the impact of some personal variables in the managers' assessment of the level by which the telecom company Zain the applied the areas of competitive intelligence represented by: planning, collection, analysis, communication, in addition to finding out how the level of application of competitive intelligence in the examined company from the point of view of managers varies by varying variables such as gender, age, and years of experience in work and specialization. The population of the study consisted of all managers in the examined company, the sample of the study was (130) managers that were selected randomly from the population of the study. A questionnaire was used as the instrument of data collection. The study found the following results: ? The application of competitive intelligence in Zain Telecom Company from the point of view of managers was large in all areas. ? There were no statistically significant differences at significance level of (a= 0.05) in the level of application of competitive intelligence in Zain Telecom Company from the point of view of managers due to the personal characteristics of the respondents (gender, age, years of experience and specialization). Based on the results of the study, a series of proposals and recommendations were presented to the company and researchers. 4. The Effects of Organizational Culture on Corporate Entrepreneurship Müge Leyla YILDIZ Abstract Corporate entrepreneurship (or corporate venturing) which means entrepreneurial activities at the level of established organization has been recognized as an important element in organizational and economic development and performance. Corporate entrepreneurship has been gaining strategic importance in order to its impact on the organization process that contributes to firm survival and performance. Recent studies showed that organizational culture is one of the important explanatory variables of corporate entrepreneurship. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the dimensions of organizational culture (power distance, uncertainty avoidance etc.) developed by Hofstede and corporate entrepreneurship and the effects of organizational culture on corporate entrepreneurship. The survey is conducted on a leading multinational company in Turkey. Analyses results showed that power distance, one of the organizational culture factors, has positive effects on corporate entrepreneurship innovativeness dimension. In addition masculinity has negative effects on new business venturing. This study shows the strategic importance of organizational culture by presenting evidence of the relationship between cultural dimensions and corporate entrepreneurship. 5. Shallow the Intellectual Property Protection Current Situation of China Conference and Exhibition and the Path of Infringement Wei Rong Abstract With the development of network economy, e-commerce platform has increasingly become a worldwide trading place of various kinds of products and services. This environment makes direct trading between producers and consumers through the Internet possible, which impact the traditional mode of product marketing, put forward severe challenges to the existence and development of middlemen in the traditional marketing channels. Therefore some scholars consider, intermediaries, under the rapid development of information technology, will gradually withdraw from the historical stage. This article carried on the thorough analysis for the reasons of the existence of electronic intermediaries, and discusses the new development space and prospect of new middlemen, from the perspective of information asymmetry of the network environment. 6. Entrepreneurial Traits and Motivations of the Youth – an Empirical Study in Ho Chi Minh City – Vietnam Mai Nguyen, Anh Phan Abstract These research findings are based on results of a survey of 938 young people from 18 to 35 years old in Ho Chi Minh City, including students, employees and entrepreneurs. The results show that 70% of young people have a desire to start their own business. They have strong entrepreneurship traits of Enthusiasm, Open mindedness, Responsibility and Materialism and relatively low in Risk-taking and Trust. Needs and motives for entrepreneurship of young people include both physical and mental needs. 7. A Comparative Study on the Energy Efficiency of Provinces Based on Data Envelopment Analysis Zhao Yanke, Yin Dong Abstract Energy is an important factor of production and subsistence, and is also the driving force for national economic development. Energy development and utilization, as well as the optimization and adjustment of energy structure, seems to be of great significance to the healthy development of the national economy and sustainable development particularly, in the case of higher pressure about resources and environment capacity. According to the characteristics of energy consumption, this paper built an energy efficiency evaluation model, considering the total energy consumption, the total number of employees and the depreciation of fixed assets as the investment indicators, the regional GDP and the positive environment output as the output indicators at the same time, employed a method of DEA based on relevant data of each region in 2009, and made an empirical study as well as comments on China's 26 provincial-level administrative regions’ energy efficiency situation, so as to put forward opinions and suggestions to improve energy efficiency. 8. The Impact of Investment in Industrial Sector on the Environmental Degradation in Jordan Basem M. Hamouri Abstract Many international empirical studies have concentrated on the impact of industrialization and economic development on environmental degradation. This study adopted an analytical approach, using the ordinary least squares (OLS) method, in order to study the industrialization and its effect on the environment quality by examining Jordan economy to verify that the higher levels of industrial growth, led by enormous investments, are creating imbalances in the environment. We noted that the effect of each independent variable represented by industrialization, population density, number of vehicles and real GDP on the dependent variable, which are represented by CO2 emissions from fossil fuel consumption (Carbon dioxide emissions), are positive. This result is not eccentric since it matches many literature findings especially those applied on developing countries. It is worth mentioning that the industrial sector in Jordan is still undersized and witnessed a rapid growth rate, in addition to a transformation from traditional to moderate technology utilization. However, the impact of population density on the CO2 emissions has the highest significance compared with other variables. This might be an outcome of the high rate of population growth in addition to the migration of Palestinians from Kuwait in the year 1990, followed by Iraqi and Syrian refugees. 9. Comparative Study of Organizational Structure of Urban Rail Transit Operating Company Yonghong-Xu, Zhigang-Liu, Xiaofang-Mu Abstract The urban rail transit has developed for more than sixty years and it has been operated in nearly twenty cities in China. In different stages of the development of urban rail transit, the companies’ organizational structures have their respective characteristics. The existing organizational structures can be divided into two modes: one is typical of Shanghai and Beijing for the M-type organization mode, and the other one is U-type organization mode, which is typical in Nanjing and Shenzhen. This paper analyzes the two main structure types and characteristics, so it provides some references for the construction and optimization of organizational structures of city rail transit operators. 10.